Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Leaf Vegetables » Celery Tall Utah TessGruun

Celery Tall Utah TessGruun

ZBLTPTAUT Celery Tall Utah TessGruun

+/- 270 seeds = 0.10g 

Crunchy, tender and string-less, this vigorous and popular green variety has thick, well-rounded 11” stalks and tightly folded hearts.  A late maturing variety, ideal for autumn use. 110 days. Thick, crisp, medium-dark green stalks reach a foot or more when well grown; thick, sweet and of very high quality. The plants themselves occasionally approach three feet tall. Introduced in 1953; dependable, beautiful, and still a standard. Days to Germination: 14-21 Days To Harvest:  100-120 Planting Depth: 1/8" Spacing, Row: 24 inches Spacing, Plant: 8 inches Start seed indoors or in the greenhouse in early spring (March) or 10-12 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Can also be sown directly outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Cover seed with 1/8 inch fine soil. Transplant outdoors late-May to mid-June when weather is warm and settled. Thin to 8 inches between plants.  Maturity is 100-120 days from transplant.  When seeding directly into garden, add 10-12 weeks. Do not expose young plants to temperatures below 55-degrees F for 10 days or more.  This will cause them to bolt. Celery must be kept well fertilized and watered throughout the season. Do not let the soil dry out, indoors or out. Celery grows best in deep, rich, well-drained soil.  Outer stalks can be harvested as plant matures.

All of our TessGruun heirloom seeds are pure, meaning they are not hybrid, free of chemical treatment, non-GMO and poison free.

€ 1.50
