Boutique en ligne » Les Graines de Légumes » Les Pois, Fêves et Haricots » Haricot Moonshadow Hyacinth Bean (Dolichos lablab) 10 graines TessGruun

Haricot Moonshadow Hyacinth Bean (Dolichos lablab) 10 graines TessGruun

ZPETRMOHYBE Haricot Moonshadow Hyacinth Bean (Dolichos lablab) 10 graines TessGruun

ZPETRMOHYBE Haricot Moonshadow Hyacinth Bean (Dolichos lablab) 10 graines TessGruun
(Dolichos lablab) Beautiful purple pods are used in Asia as a curry and stir-fry vegetable. Pick when small and tender, as old pods and dry beans may be poisonous! The long, rambling vine is also very ornamental with lilac-colored blossoms and purple stems. Thomas Jefferson planted this fine bean at Monticello.

€ 3,75 € 2,35
