Boutique en ligne » Les Graines de Légumes » Les Tomates » Tomate Cosmic Eclipse 10 graines TessGruun

Tomate Cosmic Eclipse 10 graines TessGruun

ZTOTGCOEC Tomate Cosmic Eclipse 10 graines TessGruun

ZTOTGCOEC Tomate Cosmic Eclipse 10 graines TessGruunZTOTGCOEC Tomate Cosmic Eclipse 10 graines TessGruunZTOTGCOEC Tomate Cosmic Eclipse 10 graines TessGruun

This totally unique variety is amazing! Smooth, 2- to 3-ounce fruits start off green with dark green stripes and striking indigo colored splashes. Fruits ripen to spangled brick-red with green stripes, complemented by lots of black anthocyanin giving this a very striking multi-colored finish. Very good, sweet rich and juicy flavor. Great ability to hang on the vine ripe and stay edible better than most. Good post-harvest shelf life, maintaining superb eating quality for weeks. Very productive, too. This new release from Brad Gates is a triumph!

€ 1,35
