Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Tomatoes » Tomato Cream Sausage 10 seeds TessGruun

Tomato Cream Sausage 10 seeds TessGruun

ZTOTGCRSA Tomato Cream Sausage 10 seeds TessGruun

Paste tomato - 11/2-2oz - 70-75 days - Determinate - +/- 5 feet - Yellow/Cream White // The Cream Sausage Tomato, also known as 'Banana Cream' has a nice, elongated shape. The taste is soft but nice and sweet. The tomatoes are very juicy. - Determinate varieties of tomatoes, also known as 'bush tomatoes' are bred to grow to a compact height (+/- 4 feet), which is why they tend to have the appearance of a bush. As soon as the fruits set on the top bud or terminal, the plant stops growing. The fruits all ripen at or near the same time (usually over a period of about 2 weeks). After that, the plant dies.They don't usually require a lot of caging or staking and should not be 'suckered'. Some determinate varieties perform will in a container.

€ 1.25
