Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Tomatoes » Tomato Géante d’Oremburg 10 seeds TessGruun

Tomato Géante d’Oremburg 10 seeds TessGruun

ZTOTGGEDOR Tomato Géante d’Oremburg 10 seeds TessGruun

ZTOTGGEDOR Tomato Géante d’Oremburg 10 seeds TessGruun
Géante d'Oremburg is a tomato variety that originated in Western Russia. The fruits usually have a round shape, but this is often somewhat distorted by heavy ridges at the top. They grow to a weight of 300g to 1.2kg. During ripening (about 75 to 80 days) they go to a pink-red colour, often with a few green spots at the top.

The tomatoes have firm flesh and a tasty, sweet taste. They are mainly used in salads and cold dishes.

The plants are 160 to 200 cm tall.

All of our TessGruun heirloom seeds are pure, meaning they are not hybrid, free of chemical treatment, non-GMO and poison free.

€ 1.25

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