Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Tomatoes » Tomato Tangella TessGruun 10 seeds

Tomato Tangella TessGruun 10 seeds

ZTOTGTAN Tomato Tangella TessGruun 10 seeds

Tangella is a very productive plant, producing beautiful bright orange fruits from early to late in the season. The round tomatoes have a very pleasant sweet taste with a hint of lemon. The small to medium-sized fruits can be harvested after approx. 75 days and give your salad a festive touch. An orange variety from the well-known "Ailsa Craig". Reasonably resistant to tomato diseases. Greenhouse cultivation gives the best results, although outdoor cultivation in a warm sheltered place is also possible.

All of our TessGruun heirloom seeds are pure, meaning they are not hybrid, free of chemical treatment, non-GMO and poison free.

€ 1.60 € 1.25
