Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Tomatoes » Tomato Vorlon 10 seeds TessGruun

Tomato Vorlon 10 seeds TessGruun

ZTOTGVO Tomato Vorlon 10 seeds TessGruun

ZTOTGVO Tomato Vorlon 10 seeds TessGruunZTOTGVO Tomato Vorlon 10 seeds TessGruun

Beefsteak tomato - 8-16oz - 70-80 days - Indeterminate - 4-6 feet - Black/Red // The Vorlon Tomato is a beefsteak variety with an exquisite taste. The rich, dark flesh tastes smokey and organic as most dark varieties do, but this one is often considered the best-tasting one. Fruits can be deep purple or black, but also red. This large variety originates from Bulgaria and is named after the fictional alien race 'the Vorlons' from the series 'Babylon 5'. - Indeterminate varieties of tomatoes are also called 'vining' tomatoes. They will grow and produce fruit until killed by frost and can reach heights of up to 10 feet, although 6 feet is considered the normal height. They will bloom, set new fruit and ripen fruit all at the same time throughout the growing season. They require substantial caging and/or staking for support and pruning and the removal of suckers is not mandatory, but done very often. The need for it and advisability of doing it varies from region to region. Because of the need for substantial support and the size of the plants, indeterminate varieties are not usually recommended as container plants.

€ 2.00
