Webshop » Vegetable Seeds » Fruit Vegetables » Dwarf Cape Gooseberry – ORGANIC De Bolster (2080)

Dwarf Cape Gooseberry – ORGANIC De Bolster (2080)

ZVRDB2080 Dwarf Cape Gooseberry – ORGANIC De Bolster (2080)

Physalis pruinosa

The small, yellow fruits of the Dwarf Cape Goosberry have a delicious, pineapple-like flavour. They are ready to eat when the lantern dries and becomes transparent. The small Cape Gooseberry is delicious as a sweet snack, but also very nice as a garnish, on pies for example.

Sow indoors in March. Transplanting is done in the period April-May. After the seedlings have hardened off, place the plants in a warm, sunny and sheltered spot in the garden at a planting distance of 40x40 cm. The plants are about 60-90 cm high. Provide firm support and protect the plants from night frost and wind.

You can harvest the berries in August and September, as soon as the lantern dries out and becomes transparent.

Content: +/- 25 seeds (for about 4m²)

€ 2.69 € 2.55
